workers comp for carpal tunnel syndrome

    Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Covered Under Pennsylvania Workers’ Comp?

    Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a widely recognized work-related injury. It is one of the most common work-related musculoskeletal injuries. It is likely that most workers, regardless of their industry, either know someone who has CTS or suffers from CTS themselves.

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    workers comp and job protection

    Does Workers’ Comp Protect My Job Position and Benefits?

    No, the Pennsylvania Worker’s Comp Act does not include any protection of your job title, employment benefits or even a job with your employer. Rather, you are entitled to wage loss checks when you are out of work for the injury or when you are in a lower paying job because of the work injury.  […]

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    can I be fired for claiming workers comp

    Can my employer offer me a different job after a work injury?

    Yes,  even though your employer has no legal obligation under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Comp Act to find you work or offer a job after a work injury, your employer’s insurance company often encourages your employer to offer you a job. This is so that the insurance carrier can stop or lower your workers’ comp checks.  […]

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    pa workers compensation benefits

    Does Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Fulfill Its Obligation to Injured Workers?

    Recently, the federal government issued a report analyzing state workers’ compensation systems all over the country to determine whether these systems meet the needs of injured workers.  The report warns:  Working people are at great risk of falling into poverty. Pennslyvania, Insurance Companies, and Workers Compensation Insurance companies are experts at manipulating the system against […]

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