Electricians perform a valuable service for residential and commercial customers. Many are drawn to the field because they want to help people, and they enjoy interacting with customers while fixing their problems. However, working with electricity can be dangerous, even when employing the proper precautions, and electricians may get injured on the job.

    Have you been hurt from an accident while working as an electrician? You might be eligible to receive workers’ compensation. With workers’ compensation, you are paid part of your regular wages and receive coverage of your medical bills if you were injured on the job. You can file for workers’ compensation for electricians whether you work full-time or part-time in Pennsylvania. An experienced workers’ comp attorney can help you navigate the process.

    PA Workers’ Comp and Electrical Hazards Faced on the Job

    Electricity is a hazardous material. While all electricians take precautions on the job, sometimes accidents occur, and you can get injured. Most often, electricians sustain hand injuries, since the hand touches the electrical outlet. Other frequent injuries for electricians include:

    • Nerve damage
    • Burns
    • Electrical shock
    • Seizures related to shock
    • Hearing loss

    Fires and shocks may occur if wires are not properly marked. Electricians may also get injured based on where they do their work. A job may require going up in a bucket to address an electrical line issue. Sometimes electricians fall from these high heights and sustain broken legs or concussions.

    The Challenges of Gaining PA Workers’ Comp for Electricians

    When you get injured on the job, you should seek medical attention immediately. As soon as possible after your medical needs are addressed, you should inform your supervisor, as required under PA workers’ compensation law. Your employer may direct you to another doctor for an evaluation.

    You can file to collect workers’ compensation benefits, but your employer and its insurance company may fight your claim. They may try to argue you sustained your injury during non-working hours or that you are faking your injury to avoid working. Your first claim may be denied, but with the assistance of an attorney well-versed in PA workers’ comp laws, you can secure the benefits you deserve.

    Contact Our Electrical Work Injury Attorneys in Pennsylvania

    Injuries require a lot of effort to recover from. You need to dedicate time to getting better so you can return to your job, but you want to be able to provide for your family in the meantime. Trust the lawyers at Frommer D’Amico to assist you with your workers’ comp case.

    We only handle workers’ compensation cases. This is our specialty. We never represent employers, only employees, and we charge low fees. We also come to where you are for meetings, which makes it easier when you have sustained a serious injury.

    We want to help you receive the best possible outcome in your workers’ compensation case. Schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys to learn more. Contact us online or call 717-400-1000.

    Do I Have a Case?

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      Apologies, but we practice law in Pennsylvania only. Since you were not injured in Pennsylvania, we cannot offer advice and you should contact an attorney in your State. Best wishes.

      Please ensure your contact information is correct so our attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve!

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      Harrisburg, PA 17110
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