Foot injuries can be surprisingly painful. A broken toe or plantar fasciitis takes time to heal and can easily become re-injured. When you suffer a foot injury at work, you may think it’s not a big deal because the foot is such a small part of your body. But if you don’t give your foot proper treatment and rest to get better, you may develop a long-term issue that can impact your overall health.

    Your first step if you sustain a foot injury at work is to report it to your superior. That way your employer will have a record of the injury and when it occurred. Next, go to the doctor’s and get the foot looked at.

    Even if you think the injury is minor, you should get the foot examined. Often people dismiss what they think is a minor injury and don’t receive treatment. A small injury can grow into a big one, which can present trouble down the line. Going to the doctor also establishes a record of your injury if you decide to seek workers’ compensation.

    In 2017, more than 6,500 Pennsylvanians suffered foot injuries on the job, leading them to collect workers’ comp benefits. Are you worried you may be unable to perform your job duties due to a foot injury? Learn more about workers’ compensation and what we can do to assist you.

    Can I Get Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation for Foot Injuries?

    If you suffer a foot injury at work, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation. These benefits pay you part of your wages and can also cover your medical bills when you get injured on the job. Injuries that prevent you from doing your job are eligible for workers’ comp. People who work in physically demanding jobs, such as lifting heavy weights or driving large machines, may have difficulty performing these tasks with a foot injury.

    What Types of Foot Injuries at Work Are Eligible for Workers’ Comp?

    The type of injury is not as important as the severity of the injury. Any kind of foot injury that inhibits you from doing your job can make you eligible for workers’ compensation. Some of the most common on-the-job foot injuries include:

    • Broken toes or bones
    • Foot strains or sprains
    • Crushed bones

    Consult With a Workers’ Comp Lawyer About Your Foot Injury Today

    When you suffer an injury at work, you may worry about providing for your family while you are out of work. Securing workers’ compensation benefits can help. The attorneys at Frommer D’Amico can assist you with your case. We specialize in this work. We only take workers’ compensation cases, and we only represent workers.

    We have lower fees, and we can travel to your location for meetings. If you have sustained a foot injury and will miss time at work, get in touch with us today to schedule a free consultation. Call 717-400-1000 or fill out our online contact form for more information.

    Do I Have a Case?

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      Apologies, but we practice law in Pennsylvania only. Since you were not injured in Pennsylvania, we cannot offer advice and you should contact an attorney in your State. Best wishes.

      Please ensure your contact information is correct so our attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve!

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