Free Workers Compensation Case Management 

    Why should you be paying the advertising bills for big box lawyers? At Frommer D’Amico, you will be represented by either John Frommer or Joe D’Amico, both Certified by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court as Workers’ Compensation Specialists.

    Call Now: 717-400-1000

    Workers’ Compensation Attorney Fees: Evaluating the Costs

    There are many reasons you might need a workers’ compensation attorney. Perhaps you have questions about a claim or you received a letter and are concerned you may be denied benefits. Possibly you are being asked to return to work before you are healed, or you are facing late checks.

    No matter why you need the services of an attorney, you need to take into consideration the quality of legal help as well as the fees for workers’ comp legal representation you will pay. Find answers to the following questions.

    How Much Will I Gain Working With My Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

    When examining attorney’s fees, consider not just how much you will pay but also how much you can gain by working with an attorney. Workers’ compensation attorneys understand Pennsylvania laws and can work to get you fair benefits. They can also ensure your checks are not late and your benefits are not reduced prematurely. 

    The cost of working with Frommer D’Amico can pay for itself when you consider we may be able to get you benefits when you were denied or we can seek fairer benefits if your employer’s insurer tries to claim you can return to work.

    You need to be able to afford workers’ comp lawyers in order to get legal help, and the attorneys at Frommer D’Amico work to keep the cost of representation reasonable. While most law firms charge case management costs, we do not. If you worry about the expenses of getting legal help, talk to us about your concerns and we will help you understand the financials.

    Get in Touch With Frommer D’Amico to Discuss Our Fees

    To understand the costs and cost benefits, contact Frommer D’Amico today. We can help you understand how much we may be able to secure for you in benefits, how much we can save you by not charging management costs and how much we charge. 

    Since all our attorneys are certified workers’ comp experts, they know how to negotiate and go after the maximum benefits, meaning you may be able to secure far more in benefits by working with us than by trying to negotiate the system yourself. Our no-surprise pricing and commitment to responsiveness and results can help you get the legal representation you need in a way that makes financial sense.

    Talk today to John or Joe in person. No obligation. No pressure.  No screeners. No chat bots. No baloney. Just two committed lawyers with a small, personal law practice that get great results.

    Office 717-695-7771  // John’s cell 717-579-8921. If you call John on his cell and leave a message, leave a good time for him to call back. He will return your call promptly. If you are reading this page, it is because the lives of you and your family have been disrupted by a work injury. You need a lawyer to listen. You need your questions answered. And you need action now! We will do our best to help you. 

    Sincerely, John Frommer and Joe D’Amico

    Get the Compensation You Deserve

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      Apologies, but we practice law in Pennsylvania only. Since you were not injured in Pennsylvania, we cannot offer advice and you should contact an attorney in your State. Best wishes.

      Please ensure your contact information is correct so our attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve!

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      Frommer D'Amico
      2080 Linglestown Road,
      Harrisburg, PA 17110
      Get Directions > 

      PHONE: 717-400-1000
      AFTER HOURS: 717-579-8921
      FAX: 717-695-7724

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