Workers Compensation Attorneys Philadelphia PA

    Workers’ compensation benefits are available for workers who are injured on the job and for workers who have an existing medical condition exacerbated by their work. In Philadelphia, you may be eligible for a number of benefits, including coverage of your medical costs, wage loss benefits and other benefits.

    Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance paid for by your employer. Under Pennsylvania laws, employers must get this coverage for each of their qualifying employees. Non-profits and small businesses are not exempt, and part-time workers are covered too. Most workers in Pennsylvania are covered.

    What Should I Do If I Am Injured in My Philadelphia Workplace?

    If you need immediate or emergency medical services, get medical help first. You must report your injury to your employer. After your first emergency visit, you may need to visit one of the doctors your employer has approved, but only if your employer has posted a list of at least six healthcare providers in a public area of your workplace.

    If you qualify for wage loss benefits, you will generally get your first check within 21 days. Once you’ve started receiving benefits, there may come a time when your employer will seek to have you return to light duty or stop or modify your benefits.

    Why Do I Need a Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Lawyer?

    Workers’ compensation is meant to be a system which protects both the employer and the worker. It’s intended to provide benefits to the employee without the need for a lawsuit, and it protects business owners from being sued by hurt workers. In reality, many problems can arise that may mean you need the services of a Philadelphia worker comp lawyer, like:

    • Your employer refuses the claim
    • Your employer didn’t purchase insurance for you
    • You are fired after trying to make a claim
    • Your employer seeks to modify or stop your benefits
    • You are told that you do not qualify for workers’ compensation, even though you think you are covered
    • Your checks are late

    Hire a Philly Workers Comp Attorney

    Whether your workers comp Philadelphia claim has been refused or your employer has not paid for workers’ compensation coverage for you, the Philadelphia workers’ compensation attorneys at Frommer D’Amico may be able to help. The team members at Frommer D’Amico are certified workers’ compensation experts who only represent workers in workplace injury situations — never insurance companies. We do not take on any cases that aren’t workers’ comp Philadelphia claims, which allows us to build expertise in this area.

    Get Compensation

    Unlike other Philadelphia workers’ compensation lawyers, we do not charge you for case management, and we do not require you to advance costs in litigation, potentially saving you thousands. We give personalized attention to every case and have a track record of securing benefits on behalf of clients.

    If you need a workers comp claim lawyer in Philadelphia, PA, contact the certified workers’ comp attorneys at Frommer D’Amico today for a free consultation. You can also reach us at 717-400-1000. If you’re injured in Philadelphia or surrounding areas and cannot visit our law offices, our team can even visit you to speak with you.


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