No matter where you work, the time may come when you need to file a workers’ compensation claim because you’ve been injured on the job. If you live in a Pennsylvania community like State College, you may be eligible for workers’ comp benefits if you’re a seasonal, full-time or part-time worker who has been injured on the job, sustained an illness or had an existing injury worsen due to job duties.

    If at any point you encounter problems with your workers’ compensation claim, speak with a State College workers’ compensation attorney by contacting Frommer D’Amico for a free consultation. You can also reach us by phone at 717-400-1000.

    What Cases Result in a Workers’ Comp Claim?

    Workers’ compensation covers most workers in Pennsylvania. Healthcare workers, manufacturing employees, factory workers and just about every seasonal, part-time and full-time worker is covered. This is not a coverage you need to pay for since your employer is required by law to ensure you’re covered.

    Workers’ comp claims can occur if you’re injured in the workplace. It doesn’t matter if the injury was caused by an accident or the employer’s negligence. If you have lost time at work or have medical bills because of the injury, you may qualify for benefits. Also, you may be eligible for benefits if your work duties aggravated an existing condition, or if you have sustained an illness due to your work. Families who have lost a loved one in an incident at work may also qualify for death benefits.


    How Frommer D’Amico Can Help

    The Frommer D’Amico workers’ compensation attorneys can help your State College, PA, claim in many ways. If your checks are late or there are any other delays, our attorneys can let the insurer or employer know they need to abide by Pennsylvania workers’ comp laws, which do not permit retaliatory action against a worker who has been injured on the job.

    If you are getting fewer benefits than you expected, a State College, PA, workers’ compensation attorney can review the documentation to ensure your injury was described accurately and your average wage was calculated correctly, then correct any errors.

    Contact State College Workers Comp Attorneys

    One thing our State College, PA, workers’ compensation law firm sees often are cases where employees are pressured to return to work prematurely. Returning to work too early due to misdiagnosis or financial pressure is dangerous, as it can put you at risk of reinjury and complications.

    If you’re facing this or other problems, speak with a work injury attorney in State College, PA, by contacting Frommer D’Amico for a free consultation or calling 717-400-1000. Our law firm consists of certified workers’ comp specialists who only take on injured worker cases. Also, our team does not charge case management fees, which could save you thousands of dollars and allow you to keep more of your benefits. We’ll even travel to meet with you if you are unable to make it to our offices.

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