In an ideal world, filing a workers’ compensation claim would not be used against you when you seek future employment. There is nothing wrong with asking for the benefits you are entitled to after a work accident. You should take your time with recovery to ensure the injury won’t linger.

    While collecting workers’ comp shouldn’t be seen as embarrassing, you may worry another employer will think you are injury-prone or that you exaggerated the aspects of your case to get off work. A scrupulous employer will not think these things. They will take the facts of your workers’ comp case, if it comes to light, and make a hiring decision based on your skills and possible contributions to the organization.

    Does Workers’ Compensation Affect Future Employment?

    As long as you do not badmouth your former employer, a previous workers’ compensation claim should not impact your chances of being hired in the future. Even if your former employer treated you unfairly and fought you on your workers’ comp case, you shouldn’t disparage them during your interview. Doing so could mean you appear unprofessional.

    Limit yourself to describing the facts in your case, and try not to become overly emotional if you are asked about it. Employers want to be assured the accident was not due to incompetence or disregard for safety procedures.

    Does Workers’ Comp Stay On Your Record?

    Many people wonder, can employers check your workers’ comp history? An employer can run workers’ compensation background checks to see if prior insurance claims have been paid, and when they do this, your workers’ compensation claim may show up.

    You cannot erase this legal history from your background. You can be honest about your experience and answer all your potential employer’s questions. Honesty will make you look transparent, a desirable trait.

    Can an Employer Ask If You Have Ever Filed a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

    Your prospective employer may ask you about past injuries you have sustained and if they could impact your ability to do your new job.

    Be truthful about your injuries and your limitations. If you lie about them, you may be denied future workers’ comp benefits if your injury becomes aggravated. The company may ask you to give this information in writing. An employer should not refuse to hire you because you previously filed a workers’ comp claim, but they may not choose hiring someone with a previous injury, as this could compromise the ability to do the job.

    Are you unsure what questions you should and shouldn’t answer in a job interview with a prospective employer? Contact a workers’ compensation lawyer to discuss your rights. Our attorneys specialize in workers’ comp. We only take these types of cases, and we do not represent employers, only workers. We offer low fees and are able to meet you at your residence for meetings if your ability to travel is compromised.

    Reach out to us today to schedule a free consultation. Call 717-400-1000 or get in touch online.


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