In manufacturing plants, fisheries, warehouses and other workplaces, conveyor belts move items and materials through processing and assembly. Conveyor belts are meant to make workplaces more efficient, but each year workers in Pennsylvania and across the country are injured and even killed in conveyor belt accidents, but don’t receive workers’ compensation.

    Types of Conveyor Belt Injuries

    Conveyor belt injuries can happen due to the following:

    • Excessive speed settings
    • Poor assembly
    • Unguarded conveyor belts
    • Mechanical defects
    • Human error
    • Insufficient maintenance
    • Overloading
    • Inadequate training
    • Faulty procedures
    • Miscellaneous causes

    These causes can lead to amputations, blunt force trauma, abrasions, fractures, burns, crushing injuries and fatalities, among other injuries.

    Getting Workers’ Comp for a Conveyor Belt Injury

    In Pennsylvania, workers who have sustained conveyor belt injuries as part of their job duties may be entitled to workers’ compensation, regardless of who was at fault. Workers’ compensation allows injured workers to get benefits after an injury.

    If injured at work, you can apply for medical benefits to cover any necessary medical expenses caused by your injury.

    You may also qualify for other benefits, such as wage loss compensation benefits. If your conveyor belt accident results in an amputation, you may be eligible for a specific loss injury. Families who have lost a family member due to a workplace conveyor belt accident can seek death benefits.

    Securing Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Pennsylvania

    To receive workers’ comp following a conveyor belt injury, take the following steps:

    • Report the injury: You have 120 days from the time of the accident to report your injury to secure workers’ compensation. You will want to report the injury as soon as possible after getting any emergency medical treatment. Fast reporting can prevent your benefits from being delayed.
    • Keep documentation: Take photos of your injuries and keep any records you have, including receipts and logs on how much work you have lost due to your injury. List all your medical appointments and any challenges you face as a result of your injury. Keeping details can help your attorney if your benefits are ever late or an insurance company disputes a medical benefit.
    • Get treatment: Continue attending medical appointments for your injury, even if you feel better. Conveyor belt injuries are complex, and getting full treatment increases your chance of full recovery. You also want to establish you are taking your health seriously when you apply for medical benefits.
    • Talk to an attorney: If your workers’ compensation checks are late, your benefits have been denied or you’re receiving less than you feel you should, contact a workers’ compensation attorney for a review of your situation.

    Consult With Frommer D’Amico, a PA Conveyor Belt Injury Lawyer

    Do you need an attorney after a conveyor belt injury?

    Contact Frommer D’Amico to schedule a consultation. Our conveyor belt injury lawyers in PA represent only workers’ compensation claimants, and we save you money by providing free case management. You can also call us at 717-400-1000 if you have concerns about getting workers’ compensation benefits after your work injury.

    Get The Compensation You Deserve

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