Hand and finger injuries can happen on the job in just about any profession. People who handle heavy machinery and those who work in offices are both prone to hand injuries. Repetitive motion, falls, accidents involving saws, auto accidents and more can result in hand and finger trauma. While workplaces try to institute safety guidelines, these injuries still happen a lot. In 2017, Pennsylvania workers suffered more than 30,000 hand and finger injuries, two-thirds of them coming in the latter category.

    If you sustain a hand or finger injury on the job, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation. These benefits cover a portion of your lost wages and medical bills related to an on-the-job injury. It doesn’t matter if the injury was your fault or the fault of your workplace. You may still receive compensation. Workers’ compensation allows you to concentrate on healing from your injury and getting healthy without worrying about how you will support your family when you are out of work.

    What Qualifies for Hand Injury Workers’ Comp in PA?

    People in a variety of professions can get finger or hand injuries on the job. We have worked with many clients who have these injuries. They include:

    • Amputation of finger
    • Hand or finger sprains or breaks
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome

    Repetitive use injuries often occur among office workers. Doing the same thing over and over each day, such as moving your mouse around your mousepad or writing with a pen, can cause long-term problems for your hand. Other repetitive tasks that can lead to injury include scanning bar codes, cutting meat, giving massages and playing a musical instrument.

    How Do I Get Hand and Finger Injuries Compensation?

    If you suspect you have a finger or hand injury, you should seek immediate medical attention. A physician can diagnose your problem and work with you to develop a treatment plan. They will also tell you how long you will need to be out of work.

    You should report your injury to your supervisor as soon as possible, but this does not mean your workers’ comp benefits will begin right away. Your employer’s insurance company will be reluctant to pay and may try to investigate you to see if your injury is legitimate. While this may seem alarming, it is standard practice in workers’ comp cases. Consulting with an attorney can help you take the right steps to get the best outcome in your case.

    Contact Our Hand Work Injury Lawyers in PA Today

    Frommer D’Amico has assisted many people seeking hand and finger injury compensation in Pennsylvania. We understand workers’ compensation law because it’s our specialty. We only take these types of cases, and we only work for employees. You will get personalized attention from our attorneys, who care about the outcome of your case.

    We offer lower fees and will come to your home to meet with you about your case. Contact us today to set up a free consultation by calling 717-400-1000 or reaching out online.

    Get The Compensation You Deserve

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