Respiratory illnesses that occur from what you breathe in on the job can lead to serious consequences. If you work in an industry where you experience frequent exposure to mold, dust or soot, you can develop a respiratory illness that could turn into something more serious, such as lung cancer or rheumatoid arthritis. You may even come down with tuberculosis if your case goes untreated.

    Those suffering from occupational lung disease developed on the job may be eligible for workers’ compensation. Many people who develop this condition must miss work to receive treatment. When this happens, you may worry about how to care for your family if you have to recover for an extended period. Workers’ compensation can cover a portion of your wages and medical bills.

    Work-Related Lung Diseases

    Lung disease can take many forms. You can get different types of respiratory diseases from your daily duties, depending on where you work. We have seen firefighters, coal miners, construction workers, textile workers and more develop respiratory issues due to on-the-job exposure. Just a few types of lung disease you can get include:

    • Mesothelioma and asbestosis, from breathing in asbestos often found in old buildings
    • Brown lung, a common disease among textile and hemp workers
    • Black lung, from breathing in coal dust
    • Farmer’s lung, linked to mold found on crops
    • Silicosis, from facilities that manufacture glass and stones

    Workers in industries where lung disease often occurs should watch for symptoms of the illness, such as coughing, chest pains and abnormal breathing. You should get checked by a doctor if you begin to exhibit any of these consistently.

    How to Get PA Compensation for Occupational Respiratory Diseases

    There is no cure for occupational lung diseases. You can treat them and decrease their symptoms, but they will never go away. Many people with these illnesses cannot return to the work they did before they became ill. Getting workers’ compensation for your disease should be a straightforward process, but insurance companies make it difficult.

    They frequently fight claims for workers’ compensation, claiming a disease didn’t develop on the job or someone is lying about their condition. They try to prove their theory by hiring private investigators to watch you and see if you are actually in better health than you claim. But a knowledgeable lawyer can assist you with securing the best outcome in your workers’ compensation case.

    Workers’ Comp for Respiratory Diseases in PA

    Coming down with a long-term illness can cause despair and disappointment. You may feel angry you were exposed to dangerous conditions and frustrated you cannot return to work or provide for your family.

    If you have lung disease caused by the job, you deserve workers’ compensation. The lawyers at Frommer D’Amico can help you fight for that money. We only take workers’ compensation cases, and we only represent employees. We charge lower fees than other law firms, and we travel to you for our appointments. We offer the individualized attention you want. Contact us today at 717-400-1000, or get in touch with us online.

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