Workers’ Compensation and Third-Party Liability Claims

    You’re using a piece of equipment at work, and it malfunctions. The accident causes a bad injury. You may be out of work for months. What are your options?  Sometimes when a worker gets hurt on the job, a third party caused the accident. When this happens, you may qualify for workers’ compensation, but you also […]

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    Will Workers’ Comp Cover an Emergency Room Visit? 

    The rules governing which doctors you can see when you are on workers’ compensation may seem confusing. There are restrictions on what your employer will pay for when you get injured on the job.  Most people don’t realize that you can receive treatment from a physician who is not on the list of approved doctors […]

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    Can I Reopen a Closed Workers’ Compensation Claim?

    You might assume that, in most cases, when a workers’ compensation case has been closed in Pennsylvania, that’s the end of it. However, under some circumstances, this is not true and the case may be reopened at a later date. When can this happen, and when do workers’ comp cases actually close? Learn more below […]

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    What If My Employer Refuses to Report My Injury?

    When you get injured on the job, you must report it to your employer right away. In Pennsylvania, your employer has to file a First Report of Injury (FROI) within seven days of your first missed day at work. But what happens if an employer does not report an accident to Workers’ Compensation? This is […]

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    Temporary Total Disability vs. Permanent Partial Disability

    Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation laws are in place to provide financial benefits if you experience a work-related injury or illness. Depending on the circumstances, you may be eligible for permanent partial disability or temporary total disability payments. Understanding the difference between temporary total and permanent partial disability can help you determine whether you are receiving all […]

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