What Happens at a Workers’ Comp Mediation in PA

    When you get hurt on the job, you may file a workers’ compensation claim to earn a portion of your salary and cover your medical bills while you are unable to work. Often your employer and their insurance company will try to argue this claim so they don’t have to pay. It’s not uncommon to […]

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    Can You Get Workers’ Compensation If You Fail a Drug Test?

    Free Case Review I Need Help With My Claim We frequently hear the question at our office, “Can a workers’ compensation claim be denied because of a positive drug test?” This question is a difficult one to answer for many reasons. There have been legal challenges in cases where workers tested positive for drugs and […]

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    termination of workers comp benefits

    Termination of Workers’ Comp Benefits

    Free Case Review I Need Help With My Appeal Have your workers’ comp benefits been cut off even though you remain injured and out of work? This confusing and upsetting development can occur for Pennsylvania residents receiving compensation for the injury they received on the job. What does the suspension of workers’ comp benefits mean? […]

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    Common Employer Defenses Against Workers’ Compensation Claims

    All Pennsylvania employers are required to provide workers’ compensation for their full- and part-time employees as well as seasonal workers. Workers’ compensation benefits cover part of your salary and your medical bills if you become injured on the job. But while you may be entitled to these benefits, employers don’t generally want to pay them. […]

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    Workers Shouldn’t Be Embarrassed to File for Workers’ Comp

    Often, when people get injured on the job, they put off reporting the injury to their employer. No matter how the injury happened, they feel uncomfortable admitting that they were hurt and may be in denial about how bad the injury is because they want to continue to do their duties. If their injury is […]

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