Summer brings warm weather, fireflies, barbecues and seasonal jobs for many high school and college students and others who gain employment at parks and pools that are only open in the summer. While many workers enjoy their jobs and the fun of working outside, they also run the risk of sustaining summer job injuries. Here’s a look at the most common injuries that happen on the job during the summer.


    Many seasonal employers place workers outside to perform their duties. In Pennsylvania, summer days in July and August regularly bring temperatures in the high 80s or above. If workers do not regularly consume liquids, they can become dehydrated. In addition to drinking, they should also take in electrolytes, which will help balance their intake of fluids. Symptoms of dehydration may include:

    • Dizziness or lightheadedness
    • Headaches
    • Sluggishness

    Heat Stroke

    Similar to dehydration, heat stroke can occur in hot weather. Working in the sun on a warm day may cause your body to lose control of its ability to regulate your internal temperature. Your body temperature may rise to 104 degrees Fahrenheit or above. When this happens, you could experience fevers or even become unconscious. Wearing light clothes, drinking water and taking breaks to head indoors and out of the heat can protect against heat stroke, which is also referred to as hyperthermia.

    Skin Cancer and Other Skin Conditions

    Spending more time in the sun when you have an outdoor job makes you vulnerable to developing skin cancer and other conditions. Sunburn happens when the sun’s ultraviolet rays outpace the body’s ability to protect itself through the production of melanin. Usually you’ll know when you get a sunburn, as it feels painful and may blister on the skin.

    Exposure to the sun increases your risk of developing skin cancer, but sunburn on its own can be serious too. Some people get chills or a fever from a sunburn, and in rare cases, it can cause shock.


    The number of workplace falls increases in the summer due to several factors:

    • Summer storms, which can lead to slick floors in work areas
    • Inappropriate footwear, such as sandals, which can snag on nearby objects and result in tumbles
    • More work outdoors, where you can encounter a greater number of hazards that lead to falls

    Motor Vehicle Accidents

    More accidents happen on the road during summer than in other seasons. Roadwork is generally scheduled for summer, when crews experience better weather. A single reckless driver on a roadway closed for work can hurt many people. Plus, employers are less likely to train summer employees properly on how to operate vehicles or work other jobs, as they know these people will be leaving shortly, and it’s difficult to justify spending that extra time and expense.

    From weather to a lack of training, summer circumstances often lead to seasonal employee injuries. Have you suffered an injury on the job during the summer? If so, consult with one of our attorneys to determine whether you’re eligible for workers’ compensation. We specialize in this area, representing only employees, and we charge lower fees. Contact us today at 717-400-1000, or get in touch online.


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