Unions provide advocacy and support for workers in specific industries or companies. In fact, unions and organized workers have been a big reason behind the 1970 passing of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and many other initiatives designed to make work safer. Workers’ comp is available for PA union workers, just as it is for all qualified workers.

    How Union Workers Compensation Cases Are Different

    Union workers pay a union fee, and, in exchange, they get the additional support of their union when it comes time to negotiate work conditions or wages. Union workers are still covered by workers’ compensation. Under Pennsylvania law, employers must pay for coverage for all eligible workers, including those workers who belong to a union.

    When it comes to unions and workers’ compensation claims, there are a few differences. A significant one is that unionized workers, according to a study published by Barry T. Hirsch, David A. Macpherson and J. Michael DuMond in Industrial and Labor Relations Review, are more likely than their non-unionized counterparts to secure their rightful benefits. This union membership impact on a workers’ comp claim may be for a number of reasons, including the fact that unions may make information about rights and benefits more accessible to unionized workers and may even offer support to ensure workers get their benefits.

    Union workers may also have union-specific support and benefits they can count on if they are injured in the workplace.

    Legal Help for Injured Union Workers

    Although workers’ compensation for union employees in PA is available and while union workers may have some advantages, workers who pay union dues may still need help getting their rightful benefits. In many ways, the workers’ compensation system is the same for unionized and non-unionized employees. In both cases, workers are covered for on-the-job injuries and illnesses that are exacerbated by work duties, and they need to file a claim quickly. Also for both union and non-union workers, benefits through workers’ comp are available regardless of fault in a work injury case, though insurance companies may still try to deny a claim for many reasons.

    There are many reasons why a unionized worker may want to seek legal help for union workers compensation. If you are not getting the support you need or if there are any delays in your claim or in getting your benefits, you can contact an attorney at Frommer D’Amico. Our legal team focuses exclusively on workers’ compensation, allowing all our resources to be centered on this one area. If your claim has been denied and you need to file an appeal before a workers’ compensation judge, a union workers compensation attorney at Frommer D’Amico can review your options and can prepare your appeal, strengthening your claim.

    Schedule a Consultation

    If you have been injured at work and are having difficulty securing the benefits you deserve, contact Frommer D’Amico online for a free consultation. You can also call us at 717-400-1000 to speak to a member of our team of certified workers’ comp specialists.

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