What Kind of Deductions Can Be Taken From My Workers’ Comp Settlement?
When you get injured on the job, you have a lot on your mind. You may worry about providing for your family while you are injured. You may have mounting medical bills that need to be paid. You might also feel worried about your recovery and whether you can ever return to your previous level […]
Continue ReadingWhat is My Case Worth?
The value of a workers’ compensation case in Pennsylvania varies depending on many factors. Here are the most common factors: 1. Your wages. Yes, that sounds odd. But your wages are important because the more you earned before the injury, the more weekly workers’ comp you get. If you are paid $500 […]
Continue ReadingWhat Is a Modification of Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
When you sustain an injury on the job and begin to collect workers’ compensation benefits, you might expect that you can concentrate on your recovery and moving forward, and not have to worry about the status of your claim. But your employer’s insurance company will be eager to push you off these benefits. You may […]
Continue ReadingDoes Workers’ Compensation Affect Future Employment?
In an ideal world, filing a workers’ compensation claim would not be used against you when you seek future employment. There is nothing wrong with asking for the benefits you are entitled to after a work accident. You should take your time with recovery to ensure the injury won’t linger. While collecting workers’ comp shouldn’t […]
Continue ReadingWhat Happens If I Refuse Medical Treatment After A Work Injury?
Going to the doctor is hardly a favorite activity for most. At some hospitals or urgent care facilities, you may have to wait hours to be seen. Once you do meet with a doctor, may recommend treatment options you feel uncomfortable with, such as injections or even surgery. These treatments take time, which is a […]
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