How Work Injuries Affect Family

    When you get injured on the job, you may worry about how your absence from work will impact your family. If your family depends on your income, paying the bills could become more difficult. But there are other ways families can feel the impact of on-the-job injuries beyond just the financial burdens. The requirements of […]

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    Workers Shouldn’t Be Embarrassed to File for Workers’ Comp

    Often, when people get injured on the job, they put off reporting the injury to their employer. No matter how the injury happened, they feel uncomfortable admitting that they were hurt and may be in denial about how bad the injury is because they want to continue to do their duties. If their injury is […]

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    supporting a loved one after work injuries

    5 Ways to Support a Loved One After a Work Injury

    Seeing someone you love suffering from an injury they have sustained on the job is very painful and can make you feel helpless. Luckily, there are several you can do. Frommer D’Amico has compiled this list of five ways to support a loved one after a work injury to assist you. Listen One of the […]

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