Can I Receive Workers’ Comp in PA for Hearing Loss?

    Hearing loss is a devastating injury that can impact your ability to work and perform everyday activities such as answering a phone. If you have suffered loss of hearing as a result of your work duties, you are generally eligible for workers’ compensation, as long as you belong to a class of workers covered by […]

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    getting workers compensation for a work related car accident

    Can I Get Workers’ Comp for a Car Accident?

    Many occupations require workers such as delivery drivers, police officers, truck drivers and traveling salespeople to operate a company- or organization-owned vehicle. These employees may also occasionally use their personal vehicle to travel to meetings or run errands for the boss.

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    Prevent Workplace Injuries Works Comp Tips

    Ways to Prevent Injuries and Accidents in the Workplace

    Workplace accidents and injuries in Pennsylvania are an all-too-common occurrence. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were nearly 50,000 work-related injuries and illnesses in the state in 2015. Using an approximate figure of 250 workdays, this equates to 200 per day. During the same year, the BLS indicates there were 173 workplace fatalities […]

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    chronic regional pain syndrome

    Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome

    If you suffered an injury on the job that would normally heal relatively quickly, but you continue to suffer intense pain long after the healing process should have ended, you might be suffering from a more serious condition known as Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). CRPS might be something that you’ve never heard of, but […]

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    why you should hire a workers comp attorney

    Should I Hire a Workers’ Comp Attorney? – When to Get a Lawyer for Workers’ Compensation

    After suffering an injury in the workplace one of the first questions you may have is, “When should I hire a workers comp lawyer?” You may also wonder if an attorney is necessary, what assistance they can provide and how much it will all cost. With so much uncertainty on top of an injury, filing a […]

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