Will the Mindset of the Judge Affect My Workers’ Compensation Case?

    When you walk into a hearing room, you may find that it’s difficult not to feel judged. From what you wear to how you present your case, you’re trying to make a good impression. The judge will take all the evidence in your case and make a decision based on its merits, but you may […]

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    PA Workers’ Compensation Claim Petition

    When you’ve been injured on the job, you must inform your employer. It’s possible that your employer’s insurance company will deny your claim. Being denied doesn’t mean you will not receive benefits. If this happens, you’ll need to file a claim petition to get the workers’ compensation you’re owed in PA.  The burden is on you to […]

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    Temporary Total Disability vs. Permanent Partial Disability

    Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation laws are in place to provide financial benefits if you experience a work-related injury or illness. Depending on the circumstances, you may be eligible for permanent partial disability or temporary total disability payments. Understanding the difference between temporary total and permanent partial disability can help you determine whether you are receiving all […]

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    How to Prepare for a Workers’ Comp Vocational Interview

    If you receive workers’ compensation benefits, you may have to take a vocational interview. Do you need to attend this meeting? What impact could this interview have on your workers’ compensation claim? How should you get ready for your interview? Here are the most frequently asked questions to help you prepare for a vocational interview for workers’ […]

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    What Happens If I Refuse Medical Treatment After A Work Injury?

    Going to the doctor is hardly a favorite activity for most. At some hospitals or urgent care facilities, you may have to wait hours to be seen. Once you do meet with a doctor, may recommend treatment options you feel uncomfortable with, such as injections or even surgery. These treatments take time, which is a […]

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