How Worker Fatigue Impacts Your Risk of On-The-Job Injury

    We’ve all had a night of tossing and turning that leads to some tired moments on the job the next day. Have you noticed how easy it is to lose your concentration when you’re tired? Or misunderstand directions? When you feel fatigued at work, you are more prone to mistakes, and that can have serious […]

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    How Heat Stress Can Affect You at Work

    If you think summers have been getting warmer over the past few years, you aren’t wrong. According to Science Magazine, summers are heating up faster in areas of North America than they are in other parts of the globe. Regardless of the reason for this rise in temperature, hotter weather means a greater risk of […]

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    how to report workplace violence

    How to Report Workplace Violence

    If you asked most people to describe violence in an everyday setting, they would probably describe a physical assault — an occasion when one person tried to hit or strike another person. Workplace violence, however, covers a much broader range. Violence in a workplace setting includes any time when a person is threatened, abused, intimidated […]

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    workplace safety tips for nurses

    Workplace Safety Tips for Nurses

    Nursing is one of the most critical professions in America. There are also times, however, when it can be one of the most dangerous. Nurses often work long hours, including extra shifts in potentially violent situations where they are working in locations that are short-staffed. The U.S. Census Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that nursing […]

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    Prevent Workplace Injuries Works Comp Tips

    Ways to Prevent Injuries and Accidents in the Workplace

    Workplace accidents and injuries in Pennsylvania are an all-too-common occurrence. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were nearly 50,000 work-related injuries and illnesses in the state in 2015. Using an approximate figure of 250 workdays, this equates to 200 per day. During the same year, the BLS indicates there were 173 workplace fatalities […]

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