When you work from home, you can feel disconnected from your company’s office. You establish your own routines and carry out your activities based on your schedule. But you remain a part of your company no matter where you perform your work. And you can get injured on the job while telecommuting just as easily as you can at your company office.

    Many remote employees do not realize they may be eligible for workers’ compensation. They assume that because they work off-site, they do not receive those benefits. You can get workers’ compensation working from home. Employers in PA are required to cover all their employees, whether they are full- or part-time or seasonal workers.

    What Is Remote Worker Injury Compensation?

    Workers’ compensation provides partial wages and covers medical bills for those injured on the job. People who work from home may be unsure where the line between work activities and professional activities is. Anything that relates to your job would be covered by workers’ compensation. So, for instance, if you tripped while going downstairs to change a load of laundry during your shift, that might not be covered by workers’ compensation. But if you tripped while going downstairs to open the door for a client, that injury might qualify for workers’ comp.

    The number of people telecommuting has risen sharply in recent years, and this area of the law remains fresh, with new precedents occurring regularly. Many employers have instituted safety checks for work-from-home employees in an effort to increase their safety and avoid injury.

    What Obstacles Could You Face for PA Workers’ Compensation for Remote Workers?

    The biggest obstacle is proving that your injury occurred on the job. The insurance company will not want to pay for your benefits and will argue that you got hurt off the job or that you’re lying about the severity of your injury. You should report the accident as soon as it happens, so the company has a record of your injury right away.

    If you are an independent contractor or freelancer, you may not be eligible for workers’ comp, even if you do a lot of work for the company. But if the company has treated you as though you are an employee, you may be able to make your case for benefits.

    Consult With Our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Today

    When you work remotely, you are isolated from other employees and your supervisor. You may feel alone and uncertain of what to do when you get injured since you have no one at home to discuss your case with. You need input from someone who is knowledgeable about PA workers’ compensation law and can guide you to the best possible outcome in your case.

    The attorneys at Frommer D’Amico have the experience you need to help you with your case. We only take workers’ compensation cases, and we only work with employees, never employers. We will travel to your location for consultations, and we receive lower fees than other firms. If you have sustained an on-the-job injury while working remotely, contact us today by calling 717-400-1000 or reaching out online.

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