9 Ways Truck Driving Puts Your Health at Risk

    Ways Truck Driving Puts Your Health at Risk

    9 Ways Truck Driving Puts Your Health at Risk In 2020, the Bureau of Labor reported there were more than 1.9 million truck drivers employed in the U.S. Truck driving is an essential industry, helping stimulate the economy and move crucial supplies and products across the country. Drivers can see several parts of the country, making […]

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    Machine Safeguarding Practices That Your Workplace Should Be Following

    Machine Safeguarding Practices That Your Workplace Should Be Following Machines improve efficiency and productivity by increasing the amount of work that individuals can do. Machinery can also exert more power than any person could. Most workplaces use machinery to get the job done. But, sometimes safety precautions do not happen and injuries occur. If you […]

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    What Is an OSHA Recordable Incident?

    What Is an OSHA Recordable Incident?

    An employer might do a lot to reduce the number of work-related injuries that occur, but accidents can and do happen from time to time. In 2019, 5,333 people died on the job across the United States. There were 3.2 recordable cases per 100 employees in Pennsylvania in 2019, with 1.8 cases per 100 employees requiring […]

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    7 Common Construction Injuries

    Common Construction Injuries

    7 Common Construction Injuries Working in the construction industry carries inherent risks. To protect individuals from harm, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has strict safety guidelines for job sites. Workers can face serious injury when construction companies fail to meet all these occupational safety regulations. When neglect or human error results in injury, […]

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    Common Forklift Accidents and Injuries

    Common Forklift Accidents and Injuries

    Most Common Forklift AccideView Postnts and Injuries A forklift is mainly used in the workplace to transport and carry heavy materials in non-roadway areas. Powered platform trucks and order pickers fall under the forklift category. A forklift-related injury is also cross-categorized by the event type, typically as a transportation accident or an incident that involves […]

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