Workers Shouldn’t Be Embarrassed to File for Workers’ Comp

    Often, when people get injured on the job, they put off reporting the injury to their employer. No matter how the injury happened, they feel uncomfortable admitting that they were hurt and may be in denial about how bad the injury is because they want to continue to do their duties. If their injury is […]

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    What Is a Functional Capacity Exam (FCE)

    If you’ve been injured on the job in Pennsylvania and seek to collect workers’ compensation benefits, you may have to take a functional capacity exam (FCE). This test is designed to tell the insurance company and your employer whether you can perform the tasks associated with your job. It’s not an examination you can prepare […]

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    Do They Take Taxes out of Workers’ Comp Paychecks?

    Free Case Review Am I Getting All of What I Deserve? Here’s a question we hear a lot from our clients: “Is workers’ compensation considered income when filing taxes?” In other words, when you turn in your federal, state and local income taxes in April, will you have to pay on any benefits you received […]

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    Health Insurance While on Workers’ Comp in PA

    Free Case Review I Need Help With My Claim When you get injured on the job and are forced to take time off, you may be worried about paying health insurance while on workers’ compensation. An injury can disrupt many parts of life, and you undoubtedly feel worried about paying your monthly bills while you’re […]

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    How Long Can a Workman’s Comp Case Last?

    Just about everyone we represent wants to know the length of time it will take to win their case or reach a settlement in their workers’ compensation case. We tell our clients that every case is different, and so there is no one guaranteed amount of time it will take for a case to resolve. […]

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