What Is a Functional Capacity Exam (FCE)

    If you’ve been injured on the job in Pennsylvania and seek to collect workers’ compensation benefits, you may have to take a functional capacity exam (FCE). This test is designed to tell the insurance company and your employer whether you can perform the tasks associated with your job. It’s not an examination you can prepare […]

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    How Long Can a Workman’s Comp Case Last?

    Just about everyone we represent wants to know the length of time it will take to win their case or reach a settlement in their workers’ compensation case. We tell our clients that every case is different, and so there is no one guaranteed amount of time it will take for a case to resolve. […]

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    How Companies May Discredit Your Injury

    How Companies May Discredit Your Injury

    If you read stories from insurance industry sources and media reports, you may get the impression workers’ compensation fraud is rampant. In reality, not only do workers rarely commit workers’ compensation fraud, but employers commit a more costly form of workers’ comp fraud by failing to report the actual number of workers they employ or […]

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    Can I Be Put Under Surveillance After Filing a Workers’ Comp Claim in PA?

    If you receive workers’ compensation in Pennsylvania, you may be put under surveillance. Insurance companies worry about being defrauded. They might assign someone to keep an eye on you at your house and follow you wherever you go to ensure you are not lying about your injury or state of mind. They may be looking […]

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