Injuries That Are Common for Female Workers

    Women face some unique challenges in the workplace despite incurring fewer workplace fatalities overall. In 2015, 344 women in the United States suffered fatal injuries in the workplace, compared to 4,492 men. They also faced lower risks of fatal falls and fatal contact with equipment. The most common work injuries for women include: Transportation injuries: For both men […]

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    Common Workplace Injuries and How to Prevent Them

    In 2016, the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation had 159,170 work-related illness and injury cases reported, representing a 7,000-case decline from the year before. Work-related fatalities, however, were 77 in 2016, an increase of 12 compared to 2015. The two industries with the most injuries in 2016 were Trade, Transportation and Utilities (26% of all […]

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    Most Frequently Violated OSHA Standards

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal agency charged with ensuring that employers provide safe, healthy working conditions for their employees. OSHA develops and enforces a set of standards that employers must follow. Violations can result in financial penalties, and in some cases, criminal prosecution. What Are the Top OSHA Violations? OSHA […]

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    cold-weather safety tips for outdoor workers

    Cold-Weather Safety Tips for Outdoor Workers

    The onset of winter in Pennsylvania typically means several months of cold, snowy weather — which can create hazardous conditions for employees. Snow, ice and freezing temperatures can pose a significant risk to outdoor employees who face exposure to the elements. Even individuals who work in factories, stores, offices and other temperature-controlled environments cannot escape […]

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    Most dangerous industries in Pennsylvania

    Most Dangerous Industries to Work in PA

    American workers are, by and large, relatively safe on the job. Unlike some other countries, federal and state laws in the United States provide protection for workers, and federal agencies like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) include inspectors who regularly visit industries across the country to make sure employers comply with OSHA regulations about workplace […]

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