Prevent Workplace Injuries Works Comp Tips

    Ways to Prevent Injuries and Accidents in the Workplace

    Workplace accidents and injuries in Pennsylvania are an all-too-common occurrence. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were nearly 50,000 work-related injuries and illnesses in the state in 2015. Using an approximate figure of 250 workdays, this equates to 200 per day. During the same year, the BLS indicates there were 173 workplace fatalities […]

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    chronic regional pain syndrome

    Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome

    If you suffered an injury on the job that would normally heal relatively quickly, but you continue to suffer intense pain long after the healing process should have ended, you might be suffering from a more serious condition known as Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). CRPS might be something that you’ve never heard of, but […]

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    workers comp and job protection

    Does Workers’ Comp Protect My Job Position and Benefits?

    Updated on 08/29/2024 If you are injured on the job and must take time off to recover, the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation and Occupational Disease Act ensures that you receive compensation for your lost time and medical expenses, but it does not protect your job. If you feel that your employment was wrongfully terminated due to […]

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    can I be fired for claiming workers comp

    Can my employer offer me a different job after a work injury?

    Yes,  even though your employer has no legal obligation under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Comp Act to find you work or offer a job after a work injury, your employer’s insurance company often encourages your employer to offer you a job. This is so that the insurance carrier can stop or lower your workers’ comp checks.  […]

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    injured on the job

    Workers’ Compensation Surgery

    Free Case Review If you have suffered a severe workplace injury, a physician may recommend surgery that can improve your medical condition. Surgery and recovery time will lead to time away from work. You may also be concerned about whether workers’ compensation benefits will approve and cover your surgery.  To determine whether surgery is the […]

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