Can I Receive Workers’ Comp If I Work Part-Time?

    If you have been injured on the job, you may be worried about how you will support yourself and your family through this difficult time. While workers’ compensation will cover two-thirds of your regular salary in Pennsylvania, as well as repayment for your medical expenses, that still leaves you making less than you did before […]

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    Workers’ Compensation and Medical Marijuana in PA

    Marijuana, also known as cannabis, consists of, among other substances, CBD and THC. THC allows individuals to experience mind-altering sensations and also provides some benefits, while CBD provides medical benefits such as muscle relaxation without the psychoactive impact. Marijuana may be used for medical treatment for a variety of conditions, but the rules surrounding medical […]

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    getting workers compensation for a work related car accident

    Can I Get Workers’ Comp for a Car Accident?

    Many occupations require workers such as delivery drivers, police officers, truck drivers and traveling salespeople to operate a company- or organization-owned vehicle. These employees may also occasionally use their personal vehicle to travel to meetings or run errands for the boss.

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    workers comp and job protection

    Does Workers’ Comp Protect My Job Position and Benefits?

    Updated on 08/29/2024 If you are injured on the job and must take time off to recover, the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation and Occupational Disease Act ensures that you receive compensation for your lost time and medical expenses, but it does not protect your job. If you feel that your employment was wrongfully terminated due to […]

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